May 20, 2024

Final yr, the film adaptation of the fan-favorite online game Uncharted was launched with Tom Holland within the function of Nathan Drake together with Mark Wahlberg as Victor Sullivan. Initially, individuals have been skeptical of Holland enjoying the legendary character. Nonetheless, the best way he carried the persona of Nathan Drake made Uncharted a worldwide success. Just lately, Mark Walberg in an interview gave a significant replace concerning the sequel. So, on this article, discover out every part he talked about associated to the Uncharted 2 film!

Uncharted 2 Film Script Is Within the Works!

Throughout the promotional occasion for his upcoming film The Household Plan, Walberg talked to The Direct in regards to the Uncharted 2 film. On this interview, he confirmed {that a} sequel for the primary Uncharted film is in improvement, and the script is presently being written. He said,

“I’ve heard numerous totally different concepts. I do know someone’s written a script, and so they’re nonetheless engaged on it, and it will consist of getting the mustache the entire whole time. Which utterly is smart; clearly, in that ultimate scene, I’ve the mustache.” – Mark Wahlberg

The script for the primary Uncharted film was written by Rafe Judkins, Matt Holloway, and Artwork Marcum. Nonetheless, any details about their involvement within the script of Uncharted 2 continues to be unknown.

So, now that we all know the Uncharted 2 film is within the works, we will anticipate a conclusion for the post-credit scenes of the primary film. Now, based mostly on the post-credit scene, the sequel can take two instructions. We are able to see the inclusion of Gage, the villain for the primary Uncharted sport, since by the top of the film, we will see Nathan Drake going to see him.

One other course Uncharted 2 may take revolves round Nathan discovering and rescuing his brother Sam, who was revealed to be a captive in an undisclosed location, all through the film.

Realizing {that a} sequel for Uncharted is within the works is sort of thrilling in itself, however we don’t anticipate it to come back out anytime earlier than late 2025 or early 2026. Uncharted 2 has simply begun with scripting and the precise filming of this film continues to be far-off. So let’s simply wait for an additional replace and as quickly as I get my arms on any, you’ll be the primary one to know!

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